Dr. Ayşegül Çoruhlu

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Five precautions to prevent ageing

Dr. Ayşegül Çoruhlu

As we enter each new year, we promise ourselves to strive to be healthier. In this article, I will give you some suggestions that will help you stay healthy with small habit changes you can make in 2022. I will give you tips on keeping your biological age younger than your calendar age.

First, let’s find out what makes us age fast. Then let’s make suggestions to correct these negative conditions. What are the cellular causes that age us fast?

Cellular oxygen deficiency

Oxygen must be able to reach each cell sufficiently and the cell must be able to use this oxygen correctly. What could be the reasons why oxygen cannot reach the cell sufficiently?


When cigarettes are inhaled, apart from the negative effects of harmful chemicals on health, the lack of oxygen caused by cigarettes is our main concern. Breathing cigarette smoke instead of getting oxygen with each breath reduces the oxygen going to the cells. This creates an entire hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen, not just the lungs. You only associate smoking with lung cancer or heart disease, but the picture is bigger. Less oxygen in the breath reduces the oxygen in the microcirculation throughout the body. When looking at the thermography machine that shows the blood flow and oxygenation in the hand veins, it is seen that the circulating oxygen in the veins in your hands decreases even in a single breath. This applies to the whole body. The same thing happens with your skin. The entire skin of people who quit smoking changes in about 90 days; gray-yellow, matte, with large pores; pink-white, There is a transition to a shiny skin with small pores. Your relatives will notice this change with amazement. In fact, there are many who are faced with the question of ‘what did you do to your skin’. Of course, quitting smoking is positive for health in every way, but I wrote it in the hope that knowing that your appearance will rejuvenate rapidly will be effective in your decision to quit smoking in 2022. Because we mostly judge rejuvenation by how we look. When you look in the mirror you don’t see the condition of your lungs, but looking at your face and realizing that you look younger is very motivating. Of course, quitting smoking is positive for health in every way, but I wrote it in the hope that knowing that your appearance will rejuvenate rapidly will be effective in your decision to quit smoking in 2022. Because we mostly judge rejuvenation by how we look. When you look in the mirror you don’t see the condition of your lungs, but looking at your face and realizing that you look younger is very motivating. Of course, quitting smoking is positive for health in every way, but I wrote it in the hope that knowing that your appearance will rejuvenate rapidly will be effective in your decision to quit smoking in 2022. Because we mostly judge rejuvenation by how we look. When you look in the mirror you don’t see the condition of your lungs, but looking at your face and realizing that you look younger is very motivating.

Problems with breathing

First of all, we should put sleep apnea on this list. It’s a much more common problem than you might think. If you have noticed that your spouse stops breathing from time to time at night, I suggest you take him to a sleep laboratory. The rate at which sleep apnea ages you competes with cigarettes and even surpasses it. During apnea, your oxygen level may drop to 80 when your breathing stops, instead of the normal level of 96 and above. This is a real moment of suffocation for the body. You should not object and start wearing the devices used for apnea.

If there is a deviation in the nose, you will still have breathing problems. You should have it treated. Allergic bodies may have a stuffy nose. If you cannot identify the substances you are allergic to, you can support yourself by reducing dairy products. You can sleep by wearing nose strips on your nose.

Superficial and frequent breathing may also occur in panic attack-like situations. Pay attention to whether you are holding your breath during the day. If so, try to stay calm and take deep breaths.

Snoring also reduces your breathing. If it heals with surgery, fix it. Most uku apnea and snoring conditions are more common in overweight people. Going down to a healthy weight should also be one of your goals this year.

Being at a healthy weight

Being at a healthy weight is not a situation that can be detected only on the scale, as you think. The issue is where unwanted fat is stored. Although your weight seems normal, if you have visceral fat, you are not in ideal conditions. To understand whether you have visceral fat, you should check the lubrication in your waist area and abdomen. Waist circumference of 88 cm and above in women and 102 cm and above in men indicates that you have visceral fat. Aim for your goal this year to be at least 20% below these inches. For this, the first thing you will do is to delay the dinner and lighten its content. Yes, we are not weighing this year, we are measuring with a tape measure.

Damages from sugar

It is said that sugar is sweet poison. But if you say which sugar, of course, we are talking about the sugar in processed white sugar, processed flours, ready-made desserts and instant drinks. We call these foods simple carbohydrates for short. The more simple carbohydrates we eat, the faster we age. If you ask why, these foods have a high capacity to break down our body’s proteins. There is an unhealthy interaction between certain proteins in our skin, joints, brain, in short, in our entire body, and the sugar that comes from these foods. This chemical event, whose medical name is glycation, does not return once it happens. In other words, every time you eat these foods, you will see irreversible protein damage. Residues called AGE are formed that age you fast. The abbreviation of AGE, just like its name, is the cause of aging. Even the wrinkle on your skin is a projection of this condition.

Foods that cause AGE and foods that make your visceral fat and thicken your waist are in the same group. So we should add to our diet this year the goal of delaying dinner and eliminating processed carbohydrates. Even that much will go a long way towards staying young.

Moving life

The importance of exercise is repeatedly emphasized. But my purpose here is to encourage you to be a little more active. You don’t need to go to the gym, just add outdoor walks to your life.

Set your circadian internal clocks

The mismatch between the circadian internal clock and the external clock is the topic that ages you the fastest. The circadian internal clock is adjusted to the sun. Waking up with the sun, avoiding exposure to the bright light of electronics after sunset is the simplest internal clock adjustment you can make. Maybe in 2022, you can aim to reduce the long-term staring at the screens of electronics, which we missed in the past pandemic years. It is enough to look only during the day and not to look at night hours when the sun is not normally. Remember, our natural circadian 24-hour internal clock is written entirely in our genes and is adjusted to the sun. Even if you do not immediately see the negative effects on your health as you become stubborn, be sure that this situation will age you very quickly. This year, aim to start the day by touching the sunlight.


The most important day of the circadian internal clock adjustment should start with the sun, and end the day with sufficient darkness. In order not to disrupt our melatonin hormone production, which starts at 21 o’clock, we should never look at electronics, especially during these hours. It is necessary to replace the bright lights in the house with lamps that give yellow-red light. They should not be shiny either. At 23 o’clock, we should go to sleep in our full dark room. These are essential for producing healthy melatonin. If there is light, there is no melatonin. Without melatonin, there is no health. Melatonin isn’t just about sleep. The presence of melatonin is an antioxidant. Melatonin is anti-cancer. Melatonin reduces dementia. Melatonin reduces inflammation. The best source for melatonin is our own melatonin production. The first condition for this is to sleep in a dark room after 21 o’clock with little light and at 23 o’clock.

Stress management

Everyone can find a way in this regard. Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises; being in nature, having pets, hobbies, etc. you can apply whatever helps you feel good. You should know that the stress hormones we produce in every stressful situation disrupt your healing, regeneration and rejuvenation process.

We can add a lot more to the above list in order to be rejuvenated in 2022. But even that much gives you cellular life. If the year 2022 is 12 months, maybe you will age 11 months, maybe 10 months, maybe 8 months. You don’t have to age 365 days on the cellular level just because the year is 365 days. With a little attention, you can save a ton of days and put your cells in a state where they haven’t experienced those days yet.

I wish you a year full of youth.


As we enter each new year, we promise ourselves to strive to be healthier. In this article, I will give you some suggestions that will help you stay healthy with small habit changes you can make in 2022. I will give you tips on keeping your biological age younger than your calendar age.

First, let’s find out what makes us age fast. Then let’s make suggestions to correct these negative conditions. What are the cellular causes that age us fast?

Cellular oxygen deficiency

Oxygen must be able to reach each cell sufficiently and the cell must be able to use this oxygen correctly. What could be the reasons why oxygen cannot reach the cell sufficiently?


When cigarettes are inhaled, apart from the negative effects of harmful chemicals on health, the lack of oxygen caused by cigarettes is our main concern. Breathing cigarette smoke instead of getting oxygen with each breath reduces the oxygen going to the cells. This creates an entire hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen, not just the lungs. You only associate smoking with lung cancer or heart disease, but the picture is bigger. Less oxygen in the breath reduces the oxygen in the microcirculation throughout the body. When looking at the thermography machine that shows the blood flow and oxygenation in the hand veins, it is seen that the circulating oxygen in the veins in your hands decreases even in a single breath. This applies to the whole body. The same thing happens with your skin. The entire skin of people who quit smoking changes in about 90 days; gray-yellow, matte, with large pores; pink-white, There is a transition to a shiny skin with small pores. Your relatives will notice this change with amazement. In fact, there are many who are faced with the question of ‘what did you do to your skin’. Of course, quitting smoking is positive for health in every way, but I wrote it in the hope that knowing that your appearance will rejuvenate rapidly will be effective in your decision to quit smoking in 2022. Because we mostly judge rejuvenation by how we look. When you look in the mirror you don’t see the condition of your lungs, but looking at your face and realizing that you look younger is very motivating. Of course, quitting smoking is positive for health in every way, but I wrote it in the hope that knowing that your appearance will rejuvenate rapidly will be effective in your decision to quit smoking in 2022. Because we mostly judge rejuvenation by how we look. When you look in the mirror you don’t see the condition of your lungs, but looking at your face and realizing that you look younger is very motivating. Of course, quitting smoking is positive for health in every way, but I wrote it in the hope that knowing that your appearance will rejuvenate rapidly will be effective in your decision to quit smoking in 2022. Because we mostly judge rejuvenation by how we look. When you look in the mirror you don’t see the condition of your lungs, but looking at your face and realizing that you look younger is very motivating.

Problems with breathing

First of all, we should put sleep apnea on this list. It’s a much more common problem than you might think. If you have noticed that your spouse stops breathing from time to time at night, I suggest you take him to a sleep laboratory. The rate at which sleep apnea ages you competes with cigarettes and even surpasses it. During apnea, your oxygen level may drop to 80 when your breathing stops, instead of the normal level of 96 and above. This is a real moment of suffocation for the body. You should not object and start wearing the devices used for apnea.

If there is a deviation in the nose, you will still have breathing problems. You should have it treated. Allergic bodies may have a stuffy nose. If you cannot identify the substances you are allergic to, you can support yourself by reducing dairy products. You can sleep by wearing nose strips on your nose.

Superficial and frequent breathing may also occur in panic attack-like situations. Pay attention to whether you are holding your breath during the day. If so, try to stay calm and take deep breaths.

Snoring also reduces your breathing. If it heals with surgery, fix it. Most uku apnea and snoring conditions are more common in overweight people. Going down to a healthy weight should also be one of your goals this year.

Being at a healthy weight

Being at a healthy weight is not a situation that can be detected only on the scale, as you think. The issue is where unwanted fat is stored. Although your weight seems normal, if you have visceral fat, you are not in ideal conditions. To understand whether you have visceral fat, you should check the lubrication in your waist area and abdomen. Waist circumference of 88 cm and above in women and 102 cm and above in men indicates that you have visceral fat. Aim for your goal this year to be at least 20% below these inches. For this, the first thing you will do is to delay the dinner and lighten its content. Yes, we are not weighing this year, we are measuring with a tape measure.

Damages from sugar

It is said that sugar is sweet poison. But if you say which sugar, of course, we are talking about the sugar in processed white sugar, processed flours, ready-made desserts and instant drinks. We call these foods simple carbohydrates for short. The more simple carbohydrates we eat, the faster we age. If you ask why, these foods have a high capacity to break down our body’s proteins. There is an unhealthy interaction between certain proteins in our skin, joints, brain, in short, in our entire body, and the sugar that comes from these foods. This chemical event, whose medical name is glycation, does not return once it happens. In other words, every time you eat these foods, you will see irreversible protein damage. Residues called AGE are formed that age you fast. The abbreviation of AGE, just like its name, is the cause of aging. Even the wrinkle on your skin is a projection of this condition.

Foods that cause AGE and foods that make your visceral fat and thicken your waist are in the same group. So we should add to our diet this year the goal of delaying dinner and eliminating processed carbohydrates. Even that much will go a long way towards staying young.

Moving life

The importance of exercise is repeatedly emphasized. But my purpose here is to encourage you to be a little more active. You don’t need to go to the gym, just add outdoor walks to your life.

Set your circadian internal clocks

The mismatch between the circadian internal clock and the external clock is the topic that ages you the fastest. The circadian internal clock is adjusted to the sun. Waking up with the sun, avoiding exposure to the bright light of electronics after sunset is the simplest internal clock adjustment you can make. Maybe in 2022, you can aim to reduce the long-term staring at the screens of electronics, which we missed in the past pandemic years. It is enough to look only during the day and not to look at night hours when the sun is not normally. Remember, our natural circadian 24-hour internal clock is written entirely in our genes and is adjusted to the sun. Even if you do not immediately see the negative effects on your health as you become stubborn, be sure that this situation will age you very quickly. This year, aim to start the day by touching the sunlight.


The most important day of the circadian internal clock adjustment should start with the sun, and end the day with sufficient darkness. In order not to disrupt our melatonin hormone production, which starts at 21 o’clock, we should never look at electronics, especially during these hours. It is necessary to replace the bright lights in the house with lamps that give yellow-red light. They should not be shiny either. At 23 o’clock, we should go to sleep in our full dark room. These are essential for producing healthy melatonin. If there is light, there is no melatonin. Without melatonin, there is no health. Melatonin isn’t just about sleep. The presence of melatonin is an antioxidant. Melatonin is anti-cancer. Melatonin reduces dementia. Melatonin reduces inflammation. The best source for melatonin is our own melatonin production. The first condition for this is to sleep in a dark room after 21 o’clock with little light and at 23 o’clock.

Stress management

Everyone can find a way in this regard. Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises; being in nature, having pets, hobbies, etc. you can apply whatever helps you feel good. You should know that the stress hormones we produce in every stressful situation disrupt your healing, regeneration and rejuvenation process.

We can add a lot more to the above list in order to be rejuvenated in 2022. But even that much gives you cellular life. If the year 2022 is 12 months, maybe you will age 11 months, maybe 10 months, maybe 8 months. You don’t have to age 365 days on the cellular level just because the year is 365 days. With a little attention, you can save a ton of days and put your cells in a state where they haven’t experienced those days yet.

I wish you a year full of youth.


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+66 76 390 141
